Care Homes (England) Ltd doesn't own, lease, or manage Care Homes.

We exist to support the Care Home sector.
  • We publish "Caring Chronicles" about once a month. It's an e.newspaper that is delivered to your inbox. It's free and you can cancel at any time. It will promote Care Homes, print "Good News" stories and try to counterbalance, to some small degree, all the bad press that seems to be the norm*
  • We actively look for, assess and publicise innovative new products and services.
  • We offer, where possible, support in aspects of management that are normally outside the remit (or working hours) of hard-pressed care home managers and admin personnel.
  • We negotiate with suppliers to get the best available terms and to tell Care Homes about them.

*Since the outbreak of the Corona Virus pandemic much of the "Bad press" has ‘vanished'! All of a sudden Care Homes management & staff are heroes! In our view they always have been. Even by CQC ratings over 80% of Care Homes are either "Good" or "Outstanding" and only 1.5% are classed as "Inadequate"!

Can we help? – Yes, we believe we can!

During this period of crisis when it's wrong to meet and nothing seems to be 'normal' perhaps our businesses can learn something and actually become more efficient!

Can we work together remotely? Help generate income. Increase efficiency and lower costs?

Yes, we believe we can.

We earn fees, mostly from your suppliers, so we do nearly all the work. You just supply us information. The time you need to allocate will be measured in minutes rather than hours or days.

Here are some of the ways we may be able to help,

Help for Homes

Specialised, management level plus expert help
A choice from five modules that provide help from a single day to a full year.

1. Refunds on utility/telecom overcharges

Most Care Homes. Average refund £5000.
You send us copy bills*.
We arrange refunds

2. Boiler breakdown – disaster recovery

Downtime cut from days to less than 24 hours
You take some picture for us.
We inform you.

3. Free websites

Your own website with pictures.
You take some pictures and tell us about you. **

4. Voltage optimisation

You may be wasting electricity without knowing.
You do a simple "plug in" test for us.
We inform you.

5.Capital Allowances

Tax refunds that require more than an accountant.
You answer some questions.
We arrange refunds

6. VoIP phone systems

Normally less than you're paying now with big benefits.
Take pictures or send copy bills.
We explain & quote.

7. Just-One-Click +

Smaller homes needing admin help.
You take pictures.
All bookkeeping accountant-ready.

*You can send copy bills or photo them and send the pictures!

**There are a number of options (all free). We'll email details for you to choose.

1, 3, 4, 5 & 7 don't require visits. 2 If it happens is an emergency by anyone's definition and a visit to your boiler room is fully justified. 6 we can quote and schedule the work to start at a suitable date.

Circumstances permitting we'll be happy to visit to survey, assess, collect paperwork, and answer your questions or - just to chat.